3.1 Perichoresis


Following directly on from the previous mission, the crew are recalled to Earth for debriefing.

But things have changed in the last few months. The renewed threat from the Rukakon and breaches of security alone have forced Starfleet to rethink their plans for those involved in Project Infinite.

Changes will be coming for the crew, not least of which will be a new base of operations …

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Notable Events

  1. Captain Seth is relieved as commanding officer of Project Infinite.
  2. Science Officer, Lieutenant Gelva joins the Project.
  3. Tor Kelin resigns from Starfleet, in hopes of finding Natalie Spencer's killer.
  4. Seth and Novaq are reunited. Novaq aids Seth in helping to find N. Spencer's killer.
  5. Commodore Stephen Zelazko is selected as chief of field operations of Project Infinite.
  6. Major Samuel Bryce (Marine) is selected as SB chief of security.
  7. Captain Rivera is given command of the USS Bulwark, Commander Rix as his first officer. Their mission is to drop off supplies to Federation citizens under Klingon rule.
  8. FS-51, led by the mysterious "Mako" makes their first appearance, assigned to the Bulwark.
  9. Starbase Trinity Core becomes Project Infinite's new base of operations.
  10. A fight between Security and Marines breaks out at Nob's Bar (TC establishment).
  11. Commander McNamara is reassigned off of PI.
  12. Antos Kerr (former Black Dragon) steals Infinite information from main science.
  13. Antos Kerr manages to escape by transporting to another ship, capable of cloak.
  14. Rivera and crew succeed in their drop off mission.
  15. Kalahaiea (Kali) t'Leiya is promoted to Commander.
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